mental fitness:
- the same things trigger you over and over again, even though you know that they are irrational?
- you wonder why new habits don’t stick and you find yourself slipping back into old ways?
- you want to improve or build better relationships with people?
- you react negatively to life’s challenges and would like to react more positively?
This 6 week program will help you understand what triggers you and others to react in a certain way. Through daily 15 mins of mental exercises plus a weekly video all run through a highly engaging App, you will build one muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive mental habits.
"Having spoken to Clare about the mental fitness programme with Positive Intelligence, I was very keen to get started on the 6 week programme. I found the app easy to navigate and very intuitive. Once I got into a routine, I found it easy to take a few minutes every few hours to do the PQ reps. After a week I noticed that I was dealing with daily challenges in a much calmer way as the PQ reps took me out of the chaotic thoughts in my head and gave me the space to just be for a few minutes. By doing this simple thing helped me remain far more focused and actually achieve more. In a particularly stressful moment if I remember to do a few PQ reps I find it I am able to address the task in hand far more effectively. Clare provided support and clarification on any questions I had during the 6 weeks and was able to help me understand the impact that my saboteurs had been having on my life. She is very easy to talk to, warm and intuitive. It was great having her to guide me through the programme. I would highly recommend this programme.”
Ann Gibbons AG Interiors
This program is based on the Positive Intelligence program created by Shirzad Chamine, lecturer at Stanford University and the research behind the program is based on the latest neuroscience.
This program is suitable for:
- Individuals with additional 1:1 coaching sessions available to support the person through the programme and deepen their understanding.
- Organizations who would like to improve their employees overall performance and collaboration. This would run alongside weekly group coaching sessions reflecting on and supporting the employees through the program.

"I am so grateful that my life coach has introduced me to the Positive intelligence programme. Using PQ programme, I have been able to change my mindset from praying daily to be anyone else, to thanking God for making me who I am. I realised that over the years I let other people's Sabvouteurs impact me, meaning i changed to suit others, which didn't help me. Now I use others saboteur responses to remind me to do reps, remain calm and stay true to who I am. I am now honest, assertive and have realised that people love & appreciate the real me shining through, so I should too! I cannot recommend it enough!"
Rachel – Wales